Saturday, 1 November 2014

Halloween - The night when the veil between life and death is thinnest, and my psychic experience.

So it's the day after Halloween. This year I absconded from the usual go out and get dressed up plans to do something a wee bit different, and went to a psychic night with my friend Maxine. 

When it comes to the whole psychic thing I have to admit I'm a bit on the fence. I think there are people who definitely possess abilities and senses which perhaps not everyone does, but at the same time I think there's a lot of con people out there who use people's humanistic need to be guided as fodder to make some easy money.

First up, I thought that the lady was a psychic and the night was going to involve tarot card readings etc. When we got there it came about that she was actual a medium and would be channelling dead people to give us 'messages'. Aside from me and Maxine, the other 6 people there were all middle aged ladies who clearly made a regular habit of visiting mediums. Watching the way that the medium worked with them, there were times when it was clear that she was just kinda feeding back the info that she had given them, and most of the situations that she was giving information to them about wasn't in any way related to psychic abilities and more related to human emotion in general. For example, one lady TOLD the medium (surely it should of been the medium telling her this) that her dad had died because he had elected not to have treatment for a treatable heart condition. The medium then responded by telling her that the ladies dad was letting her know that he had known she was bitter and upset about his decision. But GUESS WHAT, that's the normal human emotion anyone would give in that situation so I don't think she deserves a clap on the back or has identified anything that any normal person couldn't.

And so to the point of the night that she came to me. Having watched the way that she was feeding the information other people were giving her into their readings I tried to say as little as possible. Some of the stuff she told me was accurate, she said she was getting messages from my grandad, who I had been close to and mentioned a couple of accurate things about the relationship I had had with him, although how much of that she had garnered from my reactions I don't know. She then started talking about how he was really annoyed at the way I had been mistreated by a man in my past, and how this man had not been what he seemed at face value (understatement of the year, because if we're going to go along with this and say she was genuine, then the guy in question was a sociopath who had actually given me a false name and an entirely false life story). She spoke about how as a result of this I had major barriers up but that I needed to let them down and go at my own pace. She also spoke about the naivety I hold within my character and how I shouldn't be hard on myself for it. I have to be honest and say at this point I got a teeny tiny bit emotional, not because I was like OMG MY GRANDAD IS SPEAKING TO ME, but just because I've had a hard time opening up to anybody about the experience I had, particularly within that relationship and have never really felt that I've had anybody to talk to about it. The way she was speaking to me was quite motivational telling me that the experience had made me stronger and there was a bit of a release I guess from having things bottled up. 

I suppose I have come away from this experience thinking that if you are looking for something you will probably find it. Although the stuff she said to me was quite specific and could definitely be applied to the situation sticking in my mind, maybe it is the case that she can say anything and if you're looking for a situation from your life experience to apply it to you will find one. Whilst it's nice to think my Grandad was looking over me, I'm still a wee bit too cynical to buy into that part of it, but I think that if people want to then good for them. It's not doing them any harm and if it gives them some peace or closure then regardless of whether it's true or not it's a positive thing.

So there it is. My first (and possibly last) psychic experience.
